School holiday calendar, for the current semester in Cambodia

  • School calendar provided by the lycée français de Phnom-Penh
  • In most of Cambodia, 20% of children ages 5-9 are employed; 47% of children ages 10-14; and 34% of ages 15-17.
    Only 45% can attend school [International Labour Organization]
    2022 PISA ranking: #81 with a 337 score

  • We carry confirmed dates till July 2025

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for Cambodian schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.(5936)
Date Weekday Name
February 14, 2025Fridaymid-term holiday (beginning) - French schools
April 3, 2025Thursdaymid-term holiday (end) - French schools
April 11, 2025FridayEaster holiday (beginning) - French schools
April 12, 2025Saturdaymid-term holiday (beginning)
April 21, 2025Mondaymid-term holiday (end)
April 28, 2025MondayEaster holiday (end) - French schools