School holiday calendar, for the current quarter in United States of America (New York)

  • applies to New York City
    PISA ranking (average 493): 496
    Schooling is mandatory till age 16
    Average class size: more than 26
    number of instructional days and/or hours in the school year: 180 days
    Teaching languages: Spanish, English
    schools closed Saturday & Sunday
    school uniforms not required
    2022 PISA ranking: #18 with a 489 score
    QS Best Student Cities rating for New York: #18
    Columbia University ranking: Times Higher Education #12/QS ranking #18/Shanghai (2023) #8

  • We carry confirmed dates till Feb 2026

    Please note that authorities may take last-minute decisions; please double-check if this information is vital to you
    Make a Paypal donation of euros 50 to [email protected] to purchase the full calendar for 5 countries or regions, including New York City schools
    Contact [email protected] to purchase a file containing confirmed calendars of 550 countries and regions.(6073)
Date Weekday Name
January 2, 2024TuesdayChristmas holiday (end)
January 29, 2024MondayChinese New Year
January 29, 2024Mondayschool holiday
February 14, 2024Wednesdaywinter holiday (beginning)
February 17, 2024Saturday President's Day
February 24, 2024Saturdaywinter holiday (end)
December 23, 2024MondayChristmas holiday (beginning)